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Updated: Apr 26, 2023


  1. 赛雅(Thayer)主编的《新约希腊文大词典》,简称THAY;

  2. 鲍尔(Bauer)主编的《新约及早期基督教文献希腊文词典》,简称BDAG;

  3. 洛和奈达(Louw 及 Nida)合编的《语义定义域希腊文大词典》,简称LN。


参 考 书 目

BDAG 麦启新主编:《新约及早期基督教文献希腊文大词典》第1版,2009,汉语圣经协会出版。鲍尔(W. Bauer)德语原著,A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature,3rd edition。英语第3版由丹克(Frederick W. Danker)主编,2001年芝加哥大学出版社出版。英语第1版由阿恩特(William F. Arndt)及金格里奇(F. Wilbur Gingrich)合编。

BDB 布朗、德赖法、布里格斯(Brown、Driver、Briggs)合编:《旧约希伯来语大词典》,1906。A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament:Based on the Lexicon of William Gesenius,1906,1980,Oxford Clarendon Press.

HALOT 科勒、鲍姆加特纳(Ludwig Koehler & Walter Baumgartner)合编:《旧约希伯来语亚兰语大词典》The Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament,2001,published by Brill.

LN 洛、奈达(Johannes P. Louw 及 Eugene A. Nida)合编:《语义定义域希腊文词典》。Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament: Based on Semantic Domains,published by Hendrickson Publishers,2019.

MM 莫尔顿、米利根(James Hope Moulton、George Milligan)合编:《希腊文新约词汇——纸莎草纸及其他非文学性资料研究》The Vocabulary of the Greek Testament: Illustrated from the Papyri and Other Non-Literary Sources,published by Eerdmans,1980.

NA28 内斯特里、阿兰(Nestle-Aland)合编:《希腊语新约》第28版,2016,德国圣经公会出版。Nestle-Aland Novum Testamentum Graece,28th revised edition, 2016. Published by Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft.

SNT 特伦丘(Richard C. Trench)编著:《新约同义词近义词讲义》1880年,第9版。Synonyms of The New Testament,9th edition, published by Eerdmans,1978.

TC 梅茨格(Bruce M. Metzger)主编:《希腊文新约文本注释》第2版,1994年联合圣经公会出版。A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament,2nd edition,published jointly by Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft and United Bible Societies,1994.

TDNT 基特尔(Gerhard Kittel)弗里德里希(Gerhard Friedrich)合编:《新约神学词典》。Theological Dictionary of the New Testament,edited by Gerhard Kittel and Gerhard Friedrich. Abridged one-volume edition by Geoffrey W. Bromiley.

THAY 赛雅(Joseph H. Thayer)主编:《新约希腊文大词典》。A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament,published by Hendrickson Publishers,1995.

UBS5 B·阿兰(Barbara Aland)、K·阿兰(Kurt Aland)、卡拉维多普洛斯(Johannes Karavidopoulos)、马蒂尼(Carlo Martini)、梅茨格(Bruce Metzger)合编:《希腊语新约》第5版,2014,联合圣经公会出版。The Greek New Testament,5th edition. Published jointly by Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft and American Bible Society and United Bible Societies, 2014.


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